Frequently Asked Questions


After many years helping individuals, I have answered many questions. Below are some Frequently Asked Questions. If you have other questions not answered here, please contact me.

When purchasing health insurance from you in the individual market, is it like group health insurance?

Yes it is. The difference I have seen is the deductibles can be higher. Additionally, well visits, sick visits, urgent care, and ER visits are also included. Options for self employed individuals are generally better since the same types of plans are available and employers can place their employees on an individual plan and give a bonus to pay for part of the plans, or even pay in full. What tends to happen with individual plans is that the healthy employees who do not go to the doctor have a better premium rate than an employee with health issues. Thus, in the long run, both the employer and employee benefit from a lower premium than if the employer were to use a group plan since employees are pooled together.

Why should someone have a life insurance policy outside the group plans?

With group life insurance policies, a person typically loses it once you sever ties ties with the employer. In other words, when you leave the company, all insurance coverage ends. That means finding your own life insurance policy for you and your family. At that point life has most definitely changed and priorities have shifted. You are thinking about your family now instead of just yourself. So a policy outside of group plans or employers allows you the freedom to ensure you have the proper coverage.

What if I want to remove my 26 year old from my plan, what happens to my premium?

When you remove an individual from your plan, your premium lowers quite a bit and you can then get your young adult on their own plan. The individual will now pay less than if you had them on your plan.

What if I want to cancel before the policy end date?

You can cancel your polices at any time with no penalties.

Why should someone have life insurance outside of employer benefits?

When purchasing Life insurance outside a group setting, an individual works directly with me to customize a plan that suits your current and future needs. We discuss the needs of your family at this present moment and the future. We then build a customized life insurance plan for your specific needs.

For instance, if you are younger and not married, your needs are much different than when you have a family and buy a home. You are also planning for future education, mortgage protection, and eventually retirement. All of this comes into play when crafting your policy.

What happens to my insurance plan If I leave the state for a new job or have a major life event?

These plans are countrywide and follow you within the 50 US States.